I’m very heated about this stupid video. Just take it down already and shut up about it! I think the United States either needs to man up or shut up! We are always playing big brother to other countries, and look what happens when we play nice all the time. All the things our country does for them smaller countries and their going to just stomp all over us!
We should just go to war! I think we need to need to team up with a strong country like Russia or China. We need to show these little countries who’s the boss!
I can’t believe this is all over a stupid video! To be honest I think this has been building up since 9/11. I believe this video was an excuse for those people to get back at the U.S. for killing their leader.
Innocent people were killed in result to a video. United States needs to stand up for those people and show these countries we ain’t going to play this game anymore! They think we are going to just sit around and let them pretty much bully us cause they know they can!
How many lost lives does it take for the U.S. to realize we need to do something about this. The man who made this video should be punished and should have the weight on his shoulders knowing that those innocent people were murdered supposedly because of his video! Send him to court and I dare him to declare freedom of free speech! Yes, he does have the right to free speech but not to down somebody's religion or their leader because of your beliefs!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Monday, September 17, 2012
Thunder in the Smokies is a biker rally in Maggie Valley North Carolina. Bikers come from all over just to go to small festivals and ride the Blue Ridge Parkway.
Instead of going to virginia my family went to the Thunder in the Smokies rally. We usually go every year. I really enjoy going to the rallies because no matter what you have a good time.
My favorite part about this weekend was I go to go shopping in Cherokee. I got three really cool shirts and some shoes! You wouldn't believe that all four items cost over a hundred dollars! We spent half that in just food for lunch! My step dad and I had lunch twice within an hour!
Friday night a group of us went to the bar and grill Salty Dog. The bar was so packed you couldn't walk through it. I ordered a chicken sandwich and fries and it took about 30 minutes to get it! But other than the slow service we had a great time. One of my favorite parts of being at the bar was the karaoke! It was so much fun to listen to everybody sing! Some people were really bad while others were really good.
My family and I stayed with some friends in their condos. During the day when we wasn’t out doing stuff I would ride Trixie around in the golf cart. Trixie is my parents friends dog. She loves riding around in the golf cart! When you want to go riding you tell Trixie cat patrol and load up, then she runs and jumps in the golf cart!
We plan on taking another trip back to the smokies soon to go to the theme park Ghost Town in the Sky! It’s a old theme park that got shut down before I was born, but now they are reopening it! I’m very excited to go!
Instead of going to virginia my family went to the Thunder in the Smokies rally. We usually go every year. I really enjoy going to the rallies because no matter what you have a good time.
My favorite part about this weekend was I go to go shopping in Cherokee. I got three really cool shirts and some shoes! You wouldn't believe that all four items cost over a hundred dollars! We spent half that in just food for lunch! My step dad and I had lunch twice within an hour!
Friday night a group of us went to the bar and grill Salty Dog. The bar was so packed you couldn't walk through it. I ordered a chicken sandwich and fries and it took about 30 minutes to get it! But other than the slow service we had a great time. One of my favorite parts of being at the bar was the karaoke! It was so much fun to listen to everybody sing! Some people were really bad while others were really good.
My family and I stayed with some friends in their condos. During the day when we wasn’t out doing stuff I would ride Trixie around in the golf cart. Trixie is my parents friends dog. She loves riding around in the golf cart! When you want to go riding you tell Trixie cat patrol and load up, then she runs and jumps in the golf cart!
We plan on taking another trip back to the smokies soon to go to the theme park Ghost Town in the Sky! It’s a old theme park that got shut down before I was born, but now they are reopening it! I’m very excited to go!
Thursday, September 13, 2012
My read
I’ve read lots and lots of books. In this blog I would like to share a couple of my favorites.
One of my top favorites would have to be Good night Mr. Tom. The book takes place during WWII. During WWII children in Europe were often sent off to live in the country to escape some of the terrors of living in the city. In the book a little boy is sent to live in the country with a man named Tom. After a couple hardships the boy and man became very close. When the war drew to an end the boys mother sent word saying he could back and the boy wasn’t happy. What Mr. Tom didn’t know the mother was an alcoholic and she was very cruel to the boy. This book starts of slow but has an ending that makes you beg for more.
Another one of my favorites is Vampire Mine. Vampire Mine is a twisted love story between a vampire and fallen angel. The angel and vampire teach each other many things they would have never knew without meeting the other. It’s a very powerful story that keeps you on the edge of your seat!
The last book I’m going to talk about is called A black man's tribute to his white mother. I borrowed this book from my sister last year. My sister got the book for a college class and couldn’t really understand the work the teacher gave her dealing with the book. I read the book to help my sister answer her questions. I thought this book was extremely powerful and moving. At a young age this man had to learn about discrimination. I think it was truly amazing how strong his mother was! To live in that time period and have mixed children had to be beyond tough!
One of my top favorites would have to be Good night Mr. Tom. The book takes place during WWII. During WWII children in Europe were often sent off to live in the country to escape some of the terrors of living in the city. In the book a little boy is sent to live in the country with a man named Tom. After a couple hardships the boy and man became very close. When the war drew to an end the boys mother sent word saying he could back and the boy wasn’t happy. What Mr. Tom didn’t know the mother was an alcoholic and she was very cruel to the boy. This book starts of slow but has an ending that makes you beg for more.
Another one of my favorites is Vampire Mine. Vampire Mine is a twisted love story between a vampire and fallen angel. The angel and vampire teach each other many things they would have never knew without meeting the other. It’s a very powerful story that keeps you on the edge of your seat!
The last book I’m going to talk about is called A black man's tribute to his white mother. I borrowed this book from my sister last year. My sister got the book for a college class and couldn’t really understand the work the teacher gave her dealing with the book. I read the book to help my sister answer her questions. I thought this book was extremely powerful and moving. At a young age this man had to learn about discrimination. I think it was truly amazing how strong his mother was! To live in that time period and have mixed children had to be beyond tough!
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Mcdondalds beating/ in class
I don't even know what to say about this other than wow! How could this man sit and watch this woman be beat down by two teenagers and not even try to assist her in anyway. The fight was extremely unfair, one woman against two teenagers. Even if she was older there was no way she could have defended herself against two people. I took the liberty of going and watching the video on Youtube of this incident. I'm beyond frustrated at the people who was actually their. Two people tried to help the girl being beaten. The main person trying to help the girl was an elderly woman. Nobody even tried to help the elderly woman when the two teenage girls threaten to hit the elderly woman. It truly disgusted me to hear people laughing in the background. The fact that the two teenage girls was able to beat the girl then drag her across the McDonald's by her hair and halfway out the door is just crazy! Nobody realized how serious this event was until the girl being beaten started having a seizure. After watching this video I just had to extra research I needed answers on how this happened and why. After doing much research I learned this fight was over a transgender woman using the ladies room. I was appalled to find out this was all over the transgender woman using the ladies room! I was very relieved to find out that the transgender woman Chrissy pressed charges against both teenagers, Monae Brown 18 and the other girl whose identity remains anonymous because she is 14. Monae Brown spent time behind bars for assault. Both girls were charged for a hate crime. In my own opinion they deserved much worse! The worker who taped this fight was fired from McDonald's. I think he should have had some kind of charges against him for taping the incident and laughing during it. I was also glad to hear that Chrissy the beaten woman is healing well and starting to be able to move on with her life.
I decided to write my post on going to Virginia. This friday my family is leaving for Virginia. We are going to see me Grandmother because she broke her back. I’m very excited for this trip! I get to see a lot of my family that I don’t get to see that often. The best part about going is the endless amount of amazing food.
I really love the mountains. Everything about the mountains during the fall is just amazing! The colors, the smells, the cool air, everything! I really enjoy riding in the mountains and looking at the leaves. The fall time is a really beautiful time to be in the mountains.
I’m more excited to see my Grandmother and Grandfather then anything. They are pretty much my favorite people. They mean alot to me. No matter what I do they still love me and see the good in me.
A great thing about going to Virginia is all the great food we will eat. Everybody on my moms side of the family knows how to cook really good. The best part about it is that it is real country cookin. My aunt Sis makes the best Cheeseburgers ever, they taste a lot like Wendys. My MawMaw is probably the best cook in the family she can make anything taste good. I’m so ready to have some squirrel gravy more than anything! I absolutely love squirrel gravy it’s good anytime for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I really want some wild turkey too! It’s gonna be a great weekend!
I really love the mountains. Everything about the mountains during the fall is just amazing! The colors, the smells, the cool air, everything! I really enjoy riding in the mountains and looking at the leaves. The fall time is a really beautiful time to be in the mountains.
I’m more excited to see my Grandmother and Grandfather then anything. They are pretty much my favorite people. They mean alot to me. No matter what I do they still love me and see the good in me.
A great thing about going to Virginia is all the great food we will eat. Everybody on my moms side of the family knows how to cook really good. The best part about it is that it is real country cookin. My aunt Sis makes the best Cheeseburgers ever, they taste a lot like Wendys. My MawMaw is probably the best cook in the family she can make anything taste good. I’m so ready to have some squirrel gravy more than anything! I absolutely love squirrel gravy it’s good anytime for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I really want some wild turkey too! It’s gonna be a great weekend!
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
9/11 poem
Master Plan to redevelop Ground Zero
The mayor wanted a “ soaring” memorial
Instead got two voids in the footsteps of the towers.
As if the towers pounded in a space to deposit feelings.
Ten years of disappointing developments.
A unknown man submitted a proposal.
He wanted to bring his image onto dry land.
The man won the competition.
Before it even started there was many set backs
The trade center site is a whole lost opportunity.
It’s now a site of grief
In my poem I decided to try to be a little different. Instead of getting more of my opinion I wrote a bit of a story. I started at the beginning and finished how it ended. I went step by step explaining the memorial. I think the memorial is amazing! The idea of having “soaring towers isn’t really a good idea. people can easily walk through and look at all the names of the lost people. Personally I believe the voids are very beautiful and leaves some of the last traces of the trade centers. Instead of building large buildings in their space they left it open for a more dramatic appearance. I personally believe that putting buildings over the spot is almost like bearing the souls left their. Instead the voids give a more natural beauty to a site full of grief. I also think it would make people somewhat nervous and even sad to have soaring buildings in their place as a memorial. People will be in fear thinking these new buildings might be a target! Even though we know our security is stronger there will always be that fear in Americans. Secondly the sadness would come from being reminded over and over of the event. The voids probably give the people a more since of closure. It’s no more a site of wreckage but a site in remembrance to everybody who lost their lives.
The mayor wanted a “ soaring” memorial
Instead got two voids in the footsteps of the towers.
As if the towers pounded in a space to deposit feelings.
Ten years of disappointing developments.
A unknown man submitted a proposal.
He wanted to bring his image onto dry land.
The man won the competition.
Before it even started there was many set backs
The trade center site is a whole lost opportunity.
It’s now a site of grief
In my poem I decided to try to be a little different. Instead of getting more of my opinion I wrote a bit of a story. I started at the beginning and finished how it ended. I went step by step explaining the memorial. I think the memorial is amazing! The idea of having “soaring towers isn’t really a good idea. people can easily walk through and look at all the names of the lost people. Personally I believe the voids are very beautiful and leaves some of the last traces of the trade centers. Instead of building large buildings in their space they left it open for a more dramatic appearance. I personally believe that putting buildings over the spot is almost like bearing the souls left their. Instead the voids give a more natural beauty to a site full of grief. I also think it would make people somewhat nervous and even sad to have soaring buildings in their place as a memorial. People will be in fear thinking these new buildings might be a target! Even though we know our security is stronger there will always be that fear in Americans. Secondly the sadness would come from being reminded over and over of the event. The voids probably give the people a more since of closure. It’s no more a site of wreckage but a site in remembrance to everybody who lost their lives.
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
payton-random blog
My random blog this week is going to be about my nephew payton. He just recently turned three years old. Payton was born august 23, 2009, and he was about 7 pounds.
Payton and I have been best friends since day one! It was the day after he was born I came to the hospital to meet him. My aunt sis laid him in my arms. When I looked down he turned his face towards mine and I swear he smiled a little. From that moment on I knew I loved him very much.
These past three years have been even better having him around! I’ve never been a real emotional personal but that all changed when he came around! He can melt my heart with them blue eyes!
I can honestly say I spoil him. All he has to do is look at me and say please bre bre and i’ll buy him whatever he wants! He figured out very quickly i’m a pushover.
The first two months he was born we’re absolutely miserable! As soon as my sister felt better she started going to parties, leaving payton with me and my mom. We would take turns watching him so we could get all our work done. The hardest part for me was that his crib was in my room and at night I had to listen out for him, pretty much take the night shift! Plus Had to get up at 6:30 to go to school! We did that for almost a year before my mom put her foot down and told my sister this is her son and she needs to raise him.
I think i’ve developed a “motherly” bond with my nephew. I know thats silly coming from a fifteen year old but it’s the truth. I can truly and honestly say I would lay down my life right here right now for him.
In all I can say payton has changed my life for the better! I started doing better in school and stop getting in as much trouble!
Payton and I have been best friends since day one! It was the day after he was born I came to the hospital to meet him. My aunt sis laid him in my arms. When I looked down he turned his face towards mine and I swear he smiled a little. From that moment on I knew I loved him very much.
These past three years have been even better having him around! I’ve never been a real emotional personal but that all changed when he came around! He can melt my heart with them blue eyes!
I can honestly say I spoil him. All he has to do is look at me and say please bre bre and i’ll buy him whatever he wants! He figured out very quickly i’m a pushover.
The first two months he was born we’re absolutely miserable! As soon as my sister felt better she started going to parties, leaving payton with me and my mom. We would take turns watching him so we could get all our work done. The hardest part for me was that his crib was in my room and at night I had to listen out for him, pretty much take the night shift! Plus Had to get up at 6:30 to go to school! We did that for almost a year before my mom put her foot down and told my sister this is her son and she needs to raise him.
I think i’ve developed a “motherly” bond with my nephew. I know thats silly coming from a fifteen year old but it’s the truth. I can truly and honestly say I would lay down my life right here right now for him.
In all I can say payton has changed my life for the better! I started doing better in school and stop getting in as much trouble!
Lone Star Tick
All I can say about this story is WOW! I had no idea being bit by a certain type of tick can cause you to be allergic to meat! It’s very creepy if you think about it, well for me or people like me anyways.
I do a lot of outdoor activities so it’s not uncommon to find a tick on me. There's been several times i’ve been out in the woods with my cousin scavenging around and come home with a tick or two.
After this story I’m going to be more aware and cautious towards ticks.
I did a little research on the difference between ticks. They are very hard to tell apart. Besides most people aren’t going to stop and say hmmm I wonder if this is one of them ticks that makes you allergic to meat, your gonna get that little devil off you quick, fast, and in a hurry!
http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/ent/notes/Urban/ticks.htm june 2009. Comparison of ticks.
I took the liberty to go and get a picturing comparing the two. As you can see they are very much alike! The only difference is that tick B has a white dot on it’s back. But like I said you're not always going to stop and look for a small spot on a tick your gonna try to just get rid of it!
In my own personal opinion more people should be taught about this type of ticks! I went home and asked people I knew who did a lot of outdoor activities and they all said they’ve never heard of it.

http://www.cdc.gov/ticks/maps/lone_star_tick.html August 2nd 2011
In the picture above you can see that the yellow is that area where the lone star tick is at. If all these areas have this tick why don’t people know about it?
I do a lot of outdoor activities so it’s not uncommon to find a tick on me. There's been several times i’ve been out in the woods with my cousin scavenging around and come home with a tick or two.
After this story I’m going to be more aware and cautious towards ticks.
I did a little research on the difference between ticks. They are very hard to tell apart. Besides most people aren’t going to stop and say hmmm I wonder if this is one of them ticks that makes you allergic to meat, your gonna get that little devil off you quick, fast, and in a hurry!
I took the liberty to go and get a picturing comparing the two. As you can see they are very much alike! The only difference is that tick B has a white dot on it’s back. But like I said you're not always going to stop and look for a small spot on a tick your gonna try to just get rid of it!
In my own personal opinion more people should be taught about this type of ticks! I went home and asked people I knew who did a lot of outdoor activities and they all said they’ve never heard of it.
http://www.cdc.gov/ticks/maps/lone_star_tick.html August 2nd 2011
In the picture above you can see that the yellow is that area where the lone star tick is at. If all these areas have this tick why don’t people know about it?
Ms. Terrys class
In algebra we’ve been learning about different ways to move around shapes and what it’s called. I’ve really enjoyed learning this section.
The way Ms. Terry teaches makes it easier for me to understand, she actually breaks down everything for us! My favorite thing about her is that she doesn’t force everybody to talk. She encourages everybody to talk but she isn’t like if you don’t talk i’m gonna be mad and blah blah blah. I really look forward to the rest of the semester in her class!
We’ve recently learned about tessellations. It’s when you use one shape over and over to make a design.
Ms. Terry gave us a small project to turn in thursday. The project is to make our own tessellation. We cut out a shape and we are suppose to trace it onto a piece of construction paper. The more colorful and pretty you make it.
I’m actually pretty excited about doing the tessellations! I think it’s going to be cool to see how it comes out.
I really hope I can keep a good grade in geometry! I plan on working really hard all semester! I really struggle with math stuff so lets see how this semester goes!
I think the geometry class is going to be even better when we move into the other building. I like how the seats are in the class but it’s hard to get up and move around. It gives it a more of a college feel.
I get really sleepy when I go to geometry. I don’t know why but it happens everytime. As soon as I walk into her class boom I’m tired!
I think her class goes by pretty quickly! It especially that first 35 minutes before lunch. It feels like we’re in there for only a couple minutes.
The way Ms. Terry teaches makes it easier for me to understand, she actually breaks down everything for us! My favorite thing about her is that she doesn’t force everybody to talk. She encourages everybody to talk but she isn’t like if you don’t talk i’m gonna be mad and blah blah blah. I really look forward to the rest of the semester in her class!
We’ve recently learned about tessellations. It’s when you use one shape over and over to make a design.
Ms. Terry gave us a small project to turn in thursday. The project is to make our own tessellation. We cut out a shape and we are suppose to trace it onto a piece of construction paper. The more colorful and pretty you make it.
I’m actually pretty excited about doing the tessellations! I think it’s going to be cool to see how it comes out.
I really hope I can keep a good grade in geometry! I plan on working really hard all semester! I really struggle with math stuff so lets see how this semester goes!
I think the geometry class is going to be even better when we move into the other building. I like how the seats are in the class but it’s hard to get up and move around. It gives it a more of a college feel.
I get really sleepy when I go to geometry. I don’t know why but it happens everytime. As soon as I walk into her class boom I’m tired!
I think her class goes by pretty quickly! It especially that first 35 minutes before lunch. It feels like we’re in there for only a couple minutes.
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