My random blog is going to be about emancipation. I’m very interested in this topic. I think it’s very good we have this possibility in America.
I think age sixteen is a good age to be able to try to be emancipated. I personally believe that if you’re old enough to be counted and tried as an adult you should be able to move out on your own. A lot of teens no days are ready to move out at sixteen but a lot isn’t.
To be emancipated it is required to have a copy of your birth certificate, name and last address of your parent or guardian, address and how long you lived in that residence, reason for why you want to be emancipated, your plan for meeting the needs and living expenses which also might include where you work, your wages, and verification by your employer.
Yes, their is more technical things to this process but these are the main things you will need.
I personally believe if you can prove you have shelter,food, clothes, able to stay in school or have a job you should be able to be emancipated.
What I don’t understand is the fact we are considered as adults and treated as a adults but we can’t move out freely at age sixteen.
I know lots of teens at age 16 that are taking care of themselves. Yes, the parents do some small things but mostly the responsibility of taking care of yourself is left up to you. Now if you can purchase most of the things you need you should be aloud to move out!
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