Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Random Blog

My name is Brandy Love but I go by Bre. I live in Bessemer City I’m originally from Cherryville. I’m currently training to become a junior firefighter. In the future I would like to become a volunteer firefighter at a volunteer department. My favorite things to do are hunt, fish, and hangout with my friend

I live with my mother, step father, and older sister. I have six brothers and sisters. We have two pets a Dotson named Frankie who is my pet and we also have a cat named Tiger.

I’m very excited to be in this program because I think it will open many doors for me in the future. So far school has actually been kind of fun and interesting! I really enjoy the fact that we are allowed to use our phones while at school. To be honest I think this is going to be a great year! I’ve even been getting along with all my teachers which are great.

The best thing about this program is we’re we are such a tight nit community! I’ve gotten very close to many of my classmates. It’s like having another family but at school.

I really like walking around the campus, it’s so much fun! Being in Ms. Terry’s and Mrs. Hibbert’s class makes me feel like I’m actually in a college class. I

I’m very excited to move into our new building. I think it’s going to be awesome! I really hope the food will be better though. The biggest thing I dislike about being in this program is that I get home at five! To be honest I really miss being able to come home and take a nap. Now I don’t have time to take naps after school I have to immediately get to work to make sure all my d Friday privileges. I personally think that having the privileges gives us something to look forward too.

By the time I finish all my chores, homework, eating dinner, and bath time I’m so tired  I don’t want to go anywhere or do anything! During the summer I could go to bed at three and not have to get up till one or two that day. I sure do miss sleeping in more than anything and it’s only been two days!

I can’t believe how fast school has been going by though; within in no time it’s time to go home! Last school year went by so fast I can hardly remember it. I can’t believe how close I’m getting to becoming a senior, just one more school year after this! I think being in this program makes me feel like time is going by quicker.


  1. Bre, I am right there with you on the long school days! I haven't gotten home before 5:00 this week either. But do you know what? There is no place I would rather be! I think we're both pretty lucky to be here, don't you?

    PS: I think Ms. Terry and Mrs. Hibberts would be delighted to hear how you feel about their classes!

  2. Don't get me wrong i'm not complaining about being here! I'm just very exhausted by the end of the day and have little to unwind.

    Good i'm glad they would like to hear I enjoy their classes!
