Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Ms. Terrys class

In algebra we’ve been learning about different ways to move around shapes and what it’s called. I’ve really enjoyed learning this section.

The way Ms. Terry teaches makes it easier for me to understand, she actually breaks down everything for us! My favorite thing about her is that she doesn’t force everybody to talk. She encourages everybody to talk but she isn’t like if you don’t talk i’m gonna be mad and blah blah blah. I really look forward to the rest of the semester in her class!

We’ve recently learned about tessellations. It’s when you use one shape over and over to make a design.

Ms. Terry gave us a small project to turn in thursday. The project is to make our own tessellation. We cut out a shape and we are suppose to trace it onto a piece of construction paper. The more colorful and pretty you make it.

I’m actually pretty excited about doing the tessellations! I think it’s going to be cool to see how it comes out.

I really hope I can keep a good grade in geometry! I plan on working really hard all semester! I really struggle with math stuff so lets see how this semester goes!

I think the geometry class is going to be even better when we move into the other building. I like how the seats are in the class but it’s hard to get up and move around. It gives it a more of a college feel.

I get really sleepy when I go to geometry. I don’t know why but it happens everytime. As soon as I walk into her class boom I’m tired!

I think her class goes by pretty quickly! It especially that first 35 minutes before lunch. It feels like we’re in there for only a couple minutes.

1 comment:

  1. Can you explain to me what the educational purpose of making tesselations is? I had to do it too, and I never understood what it had to do with the math
